How to schedule an event for in-chapel cameras

Follow these steps to create a new in chapel event using the OneRoom console:

  1. Log In

  2. Create a New Event

    • Click the "New Event" button in the top right hand corner of your screen.

      New event button
  3. Set Event Details

    • Stream Type: Select LIVE.
      Select live event

    • Set Event Timing

      • Enter the Start Date & Time and End Date & Time.
        Event start and end time
    • Deceased Information:
      • Enter the name of the deceased.
      • Add their date of birth and date of death.

        Deceased information
    • Upload Image and Obituary Page Link (optional):
      • Click "Select Image" and upload a photo of the deceased.
      • After uploading, press "Crop" to reposition the image in the circle frame , and zoom in or out if needed. 
      • Copy the obituary link from your website and paste it into the Memorial Site URL field.

  4. Enter Family Contact Information

    • Provide the Family Contact’s name and email address.
      Add contact information
  5. Save the Event

    • Click the "Save" button.

  6. Review and Send Invitations

    • Double-check all the event details.
    • Click the "Send Invitation" button to send the family contact and any other guests selected the invitation email, which contains both the link to view the online service, and the ability to forward it to others.

      Send invitation button zoomed