I'm getting an error message, what does it mean?

Stream starts at…” - The service hasn’t yet started. You are on the right page - it will start automatically. If you believe it should have started already, try refreshing your page.
Services streamed from remote devices may start earlier or later than expected - this depends on when the funeral staff decide to 'go live' on their device. If it is far beyond the expected start time and you are still seeing this message, contact us using the form below

The stream seemed to stop abruptly - If you were watching a stream that seemed to suddenly stop mid-service, please contact us using the form below and our support team will be immediately notified.

Streaming has ended, video is being archived now” - the service has concluded, and the recording will be available soon - usually within 10 - 30 minutes. If it has been at least 30 minutes and this message still persists, please contact us using the form below.

This camera is temporarily unavailable” - There may be a connection issue on a single camera. If all camera views are unavailable, please contact us using the form below.

This error message can also happen if using an unsupported internet browser.

All major browsers are supported by OneRoom, though older versions may present issues. You may need to confirm your browser version and update if it is too old.

Check browser detail using this link: www.whatsmybrowser.org

Following are links to major browsers where you can download current versions (ensure you download the correct version for your device).


Microsoft Edge



If you have tried the above help but are still experiencing error messages or any other visual issue, please contact us on the form below and our support team will be immediately notified.