How to schedule a remote live event

Create a new event to stream on your mobile device

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Head to
  • Enter your login details

  • Click New Event 

    New Event
  • Select Stream Type as REMOTE LIVE

  • The Room and Remote Camera should auto-populate, unless you have multiple cameras.
  • Enter the name of the deceased
  • Enter their date of birth and date of death
  • Click “Select Image” and upload an image of the deceased

    Image upload
  • Enter the Family Contact name and email address

  • Enter the Start date & Time
  • Enter the End Date & Time
  • Memorial site URL - copy the obituary link from your website and paste here

  • Press Save button

    Save Button
  • Crop the picture if you uploaded one - Press Crop button

    Crop image
  • Review all details
  • Press Send Invitation button

    Send out invitation