Tribute buttons provide guests with easy access to your services, such as ordering flowers, planting a tree, accessing grief support, or learning about upcoming community events.
These buttons are customizable for your funeral home and need to be set as default options at the venue level. They can also be edited for individual services to accommodate specific family preferences.
Adding or Editing Tribute Buttons at the Venue Level
Access Your Venue
- Go to OneRoom Admin and log in using your email and password.
- Navigate to the Venues section and select your venue.
Configure Tribute Buttons
- Scroll to the "Configure Tribute Buttons" section
- Scroll to the "Configure Tribute Buttons" section
Select Tribute Button Options
- Choose from the available options (e.g., send flowers, plant a tree, get grief support).
- You can select up to 6 buttons, but 2-3 buttons are recommended for the best guest experience.
Add URLs for Each Button
- Enter the URL where guests should be directed when clicking on each button.
- Enter the URL where guests should be directed when clicking on each button.
Steps to Edit Tribute Buttons for a Specific Service
Access the Event
- For a new event: Set tribute buttons during the event creation process.
- For an existing event: Open the event in the OneRoom Admin Console and select "Edit Event".
Locate the Tribute Button Settings
- Scroll down to the "Tribute Button Settings" section.
- Scroll down to the "Tribute Button Settings" section.
Customize Tribute Buttons
- Turn Buttons Off: Disable tribute buttons entirely for the event.
- Change Button Types: Select new button options (e.g., flowers, grief support).
- Edit URLs: Update the links where guests are directed when clicking each button.
By tailoring tribute buttons for individual services, you can ensure they meet the unique preferences and needs of each family.