How do I view a OneRoom service?

Accessing a service

OneRoom does not provide access to streams ourselves - you will need to gain access using the following options...

Using an email invitation

Email invitations are distributed by the funeral directors and next of kin.

If you've received an Invitation email, look for the 'View The Service' button on the email, as seen below:
Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 7.56.51 AM
This button will take you straight to the live-stream page where you can register and view the service.

Using a direct link

An alternative method of viewing the service is using a direct link. This may be sent to you by next of kin, or it may be posted by the Funeral Director to the obituary page on the Funeral Homes website. 

Simply click on the provided link - it will take you straight to the live-stream page where you can register and view the service.

  • I haven’t received an email invitation and can't find a direct link - what do I do?

Please contact the funeral home or funeral organizers that are arranging the service. For privacy reasons, OneRoom cannot provide access to you.

Once you have access...

Guest Register

If it's your first time viewing a service, you will be prompted to fill out a brief form with your details before accessing the stream. Please follow the on-screen instructions to ensure smooth access.


    Welcome page

    If the service has not yet started, the link will take you to the Welcome page. 

    You do not need to click anything on this page. The stream will start automatically once the scheduled start time is reached, or when the countdown timer reaches zero.

    Stream page

    If you access the live-stream page after it has started, you will be taken straight into the live-stream and will see the service taking place.

    Replay page

    If you access the live-stream after it has finished, you will be taken to the recording and will be able to watch it from the start. This is available for 90 days*

    *Families or funeral directors may wish to have a live-stream recording removed before 90 days, so this option is not always available.

    Still having issues viewing a service? Send us a message using the form below and we'll be in touch quickly (usually within 5-10 minutes)